
I’ve been playing Animal Crossing: City Folk a lot for the last couple of weeks. I usually don’t give much thought to the flowers and things in town, but this time I want to get the golden watering can so I’ve been planting a lot of flowers and trees. So, I started the game up yesterday and was very surprised to see that I now have my very own orange roses. It turns out that if you plant flowers of the same variety next to each other they can produce new flowers, and sometimes hybrids. See?

Orange Roses
Orange Roses

Orange flowers! I’m going to go back and move flowers around to try and get more pretty colours. By default you get white, yellow, and red.

So bored

I thought maybe my Rock-Band-obsessed neighbours had moved out since it had been almost two whole weeks since I’ve had to listen to their drunk off-key singing and horrible playing skills. No such luck.

They’ve been playing the game, yelling, laughing hysterically, and in general being assholes for about 4 hours now. I know London has a 24-hour no noise policy, but at the same time I tend to give these guys until 11:30pm to give it up because I’m generally up at least until then. So far I’ve yet to hear them play longer than that, at which point the drunken yelling also calms down and most people leave.

I feel sorry for whoever lives next to them downstairs though since they’ve been banging on the wall for an hour and been ignored.