Three Annoyed Cats

Now that the weather is warming up, the cats have started going outside again. I am very happy about this because it means they will run around a lot more than they do in the house. We have a fenced-in yard so they can’t run the streets, but they still come in contact with strays and neighbourhood cats, and whatever other animals venture into the yard.

Because of this contact, all three of my cats have been given flea medication today. This makes them not very pleasant to be around, because they are all glaring at me and wanting attention but not wanting my attention because I’m the mean one that put this nasty stuff on them.

The funny thing is, I don’t like flea medications as a rule. They are still a form a pesticide and I don’t trust them. But, I also don’t believe in needless waste and the medication was here from a few summers ago and still good.

I think we’ll all be much happier next year when none of us have to go through this mess.

Cat Hair Yarn

You might remember that in my last post I mentioned making my sister some yarn out of the cat hair she’d collected from brushing her cats. I thought we didn’t have any pictures of it, but when Dean started showing me the pictures taken last weekend there were quite a few that he’d taken of it. These are the two that I liked.
Cat Yarn
Cat Yarn Two

Most of this came from the same cat, though with 5 of them and a dog around I’m sure there are bits of all of them in it.

The star of today’s post: ROSS (and Stephanie’s legs)



Since the midterm, I’ve been working on my cross-stitch and sweater quite a bit. I now have one sleeve and the hood to go before finishing, and have started an entirely new area of the cross-stitch. I did break a needle, and another is almost broken. I need more, but everything closed early yesterday and I missed out.

Soon I get to go venturing for The Art of Breaking and see if there’s more needles at Zellers so I won’t have to go all the way down to Michael’s. Lazy, I know.

I want to read Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince. We’ll see if that happens before Friday.

We had sushi yesterday, but it wasn’t as good as it usually is. Weird. Wasabi is goood.

I’m hungry and I sleep too much. I want cheese.

Kitty loves me. All it takes is for me to look at him and he starts purring. He’s going to be lonely as hell when I move back to Waterloo.

I need to start packing. I don’t feel like scrambling trying to decide what to bring home.